14 May 2020, at 13.00 hrs., Dr. Abhisit Phuengphon, the Royal Project Office of King Kanittha Thiraj Krom Phrathom Thep Rattanarajsuda Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn attended a meeting to consult, inspect, visit places, school buildings and accommodation of the Kusakon Samakarn Wittayalai School. Samphanthawong District, Bangkok, to prepare for entry to a royal school

By Dr. Kamjanapoj Konkosol, Dr. Group President of Phrapariyattidhamma School Group Division of General Education Group 14, Manager of Kusol Samakonwittayalai School, Phrakhru Nanthakittikun Director of Kusol Samakonwittayalai School and the Permanent Secretary Thamanya Panyathiwat (Teerayut Tiankai), Deputy Director of the school together with a group of teachers and staff to welcome And take a walk inside the school This meeting was led by Sitta Moonhong, director of the Division of Buddhism Studies, together with the faculty of the National Buddhism Office. Join the meeting too