KusolSamakonvittayalai School Thank you, Google
The collaboration between KusolSamakonvittayalai School and Google to organize a quality education system. Enter the information technology education development system And learning at the lower and upper secondary school levels
#google suite education

::: Kusol Samakonwittayalai School Join in watching the orientation ceremony of Buddhist Scripture School General Education Department nationwide academic year 2553 through online google meet ::: ✨

The Buddhist Hospital has been in the area to vaccinate against influenza. And offering hand washing gel For the novice, students, faculty, staff at Kusol Samakonwittayalai School Samphanthawong Samphanthawong District Bangkok 10100

14 May 2020, at 13.00 hrs., Dr. Abhisit Phuengphon, the Royal Project Office of King Kanittha Thiraj Krom Phrathom Thep Rattanarajsuda Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn attended a meeting to consult, inspect, visit places, school buildings and accommodation of the Kusakon Samakarn Wittayalai School. Samphanthawong District, Bangkok, to prepare for entry to a royal school

Faculty of students - novice students Kusol Samakhon School Join the chanting of the metaphysics to be the royal charity on 4 November 2016 at 18.00 hrs.